Ustanoviteljica Manja Bergant (mag. inž. arh.) je po formalni izobrazbi arhitektka (leta 2013 je magistrirala na Fakulteti za arhitekturo v Ljubljani, Slovenija). Glavno vodilo pri oblikovanju predstavlja predvsem premišljen koncept organizacije prostorske zasnove, s čimer se poveča funkcionalnost prostorov in kakovost bivanja.
GSM: 041 908 260

The founder of Bermandes is Manja Bergant (m.i.a.), an architect by profession (in 2013 she obtained a master’s degree from the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana, Slovenia). The most important component of her projects is the thought-out concept of spatial organization that increases the functionality of the space with the purpose of lifting the quality of life.
GSM: 041 908 260